Dermaplaning: AKA Shaving Your Face (& more)

Never have I ever shaved my face…until this weekend. 
Call me crazy, but I wish I didn’t wait so long to do it. I mean, the peach fuzz + dead skin I could have done without for a while. Ew. 
Around Christmas, I changed up my face cleansing routine a little + have been noticing a good payoff for my skin. However near my neck + lower face area would sometimes flare + have a different texture, especially if I didn’t use my Clarisonic
It wasn’t until I was applying my makeup that I could really notice the peach fuzz, like WTF.
I immediately washed my face + tried to see what the best option was. That was when I read about Dermaplaning. It’s a bit more than just shaving the face, Dermaplaning is a treatment that removes peach fuzz from the face as well as dead skin cells, ridding all of that from your facial skin in just a few swipes of the tool.
Just think of it as another type of exfoliation treatment for your face. The results are amazing, a fresh + vibrant skin surface.
There is a sharp tool involved, however, the treatment is quite painless, there is no down time, + you notice the results immediately. I swear you can’t cut yourself. 
However, Dermaplaning does not equal Dermabrasion. "Think of Dermaplaning as a deeper [form of] microdermabrasion. Both treatments resurface skin, but Dermaplaning takes off most of the epidermis, the outermost layer of your skin, while microdermabrasion [only] takes off the layer above called the stratum corneum [the surface layer of skin].”
Plus, microdermabrasion can't + doesn’t remove any facial hair.
Long term benefits from the Dermaplaning treatment are smoother texture, fewer noticeable wrinkles (although this result does vary), decrease dark spots, better texture, reduced appearance of acne scars, increased cell turnover, + no peach fuzz! There are also studies that show the mild scrapes (from the tool) in the facial skin can regulate certain growth factors which could results in stimulating the collagen growth in the facial skin, + we all know how I feel about my collagen. 
Hairs attract oil, dirt, + debris, so you could only imagine the negative impact that peach fuzz on your face is having on your skin + skincare routine. Once the fuzz is gone, your serums + oils will be able to penetrate the skin much more + have a better impact on your skin. 
A few more facts to know about Dermaplaning:
-Your hair will NOT grow back darker or thicker.
-Wear lots of SPF after.
-Dermaplaning is recommended for all skin types.
-Continue to moisturize you face after the treatment.
-Dermaplaning leaves your skin brighter, smoother, glowing + more youthful.
At first, many sites said to consult a doctor or make an appointment at a salon or spa when wanting to get a Dermaplane, but I’m the ‘when I need it, I need it, I don't want to wait for my appointment day’ type of person, lol. Typical millennial, I guess. 
So I started reading up on the best ways to do it at home, some people said with a Dermaflash, while others said Finishing Touch Dermaplane, I decided to go with the Tweezerman Dermaplane tool. Tip: The only people who can't Dermaplane are those with active pustular acne, so beware of this before being tempted to Dermaplane your face! I read nothing but good reviews about it, as well as watched quite a few YouTube videos- yeah I have a degree at the University of Youtube, too. 
That day after work I headed to Ulta to purchase it then jetted home + prayed that this would work. 
I will post all the links to what I read + watched below on this post in order for you all to receive the same information I did before making this type of decision. 
I noticed a DRAMATIC difference in my makeup application just hours after I Dermaplanded my face, it really was shocking. I didn’t notice the makeup + peach fuzz sticking nor did I feel the texture I had prior.
Like the reviews said, the results are IMMEDIATE. 
How to:
-clean your face of all makeup, oils, etc. + be sure your skin is dry
-grab your Dermaplane device in your dominant hand + work in small strokes; some people say to go downward, but I went up + down in the same area, not noticing any crazy pain or irritation.
-place your other hand on the facial skin behind the tool + pull the skin tight to allow for a better, even surface area for the Dermaplaning. 
-repeat the strokes on your other cheek, chin, forehead, + above the lips.
-don’t go over your eyelids, lips, nose, or eyebrows.
-once your finished don’t forget to moisturize your face with any fav serums or oils.
It may sound daunting, intimidating, or down right weird, but trust me when I say this something we all should be doing. I’d love to hear your experiences with Dermaplaning at home or in a salon, any advice + tips to ensure healthy skin are always welcome. 
I’m off to lather in face serums + lavender essential oils.
Happy Thursday


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